PHP 5.3
Starting from version 3.0 of WPFront User Role Editor, the minimum PHP version required is 5.3.
Deny Capabilities
Now you can deny capabilities for a role while adding/editing it. Select ‘Deny Caps View’ to select denied capabilities. Denied capabilities have higher precedence over allowed capabilities. A denied capability will be denied for a user, even if its allowed in all other roles the user has.
‘Create’ Capabilities [PRO]
Now you can control create permissions on post types. Every post type, except media, now has a ‘create_’ capability, which you can use to control create permission on it.
‘Read Others’ Capabilities [PRO]
Every post type now has a ‘read_others_’ capability. For a user to view others posts for this post type, he/she needs this capability.
Extended Permissions [PRO]
Extended permissions now allows you to redirect to a URL, when view permission is denied. Also users will be able to see that post item in the list table in wp-admin, even when view permission is denied. In previous versions, they were not able to see this item in the list when view permission was denied. This change was required to have more flexibility to add new features like URL redirecting, category based permissions(coming soon), etc.
Also Media now has extended permissions. Access it through the edit media page.
Admin Menu Editor [PRO]
Admin menu editor now has a new UI. Functionalities stay the same, but it will be easier to configure it. To remove a menu item, you just uncheck it in menu editor.
Admin Menu Editor Sync – Multisite [PRO]
Now you can sync Admin Menu Editor configurations using the Sync functionality in multisite.